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少煩腦 (對(duì)聯(lián)體●七絕)
日月二泉明白水 門兒一響鬩郷音 外無(wú)豔女少煩腦 家有嬌妻最貼心
注: 1)第一句廣東千年名聯(lián)上句,第二句曾紀(jì)番作,第三句第四句羅志海作。 2)“日月二泉明白水”是廣東一條千年名聯(lián)。至今無(wú)人工對(duì)。意思是,有兩道泉,一道叫日泉,一道叫月泉,是日月雙泉。兩道泉水清澈。日月為明,白水為泉,是明白水。 這句上聯(lián),繁體字和簡(jiǎn)體字的書(shū)寫(xiě)是一樣的。近幾十年來(lái),許多文人用簡(jiǎn)體字思維應(yīng)對(duì),對(duì)出來(lái)的下聯(lián)不工。 曾紀(jì)番先生巧用繁體字應(yīng)對(duì),對(duì)句“門兒一響鬩郷音”,工對(duì)。門兒為鬩,響即郷音。鬩郷音,意思是用鄉(xiāng)音吵嘴。 還有,上聯(lián)“二”對(duì)下聯(lián)“一”,數(shù)字對(duì)仗,工對(duì)。 上下聯(lián)平仄工對(duì),如下: 日月二泉明白水 仄仄仄平平仄仄 門兒一響鬩郷音 平平仄仄仄平平 妙不可言。 2015年7月30日,我去汕尾探望曾紀(jì)番先生。得到曾老師對(duì)句。謹(jǐn)記。
Trouble of Brain Less (Two Pairs of Couplets●Seven Words of Quatrain)
Two springs of sun and moon, the bright and whitewater One sound of door son, quarrel with localaccent Without a pretty female outside, trouble of brain less There is a young and beautiful wife in home, the most intimate
Note: 1) First sentence is half a famous millennium couplet in Guangdong, China. Second sentence by ZengJifan. Third and fourth sentences by Luo Zhihai.) 2)“Twosprings of sun and moon, the bright and white water”, that’s a first line of famousmillennium couplet of Guangdong. Up to now, no one neat and orderly to make asecond line of a couplet. It means, there are two springs, one was named SunSpring, another was named moon spring. They are sun and moon springs. Twospring water clear. Sun(日)+moon(月)=bright(明).White(白)+water(水)=spring(泉). Theyare the bright and white water. The first line of couplet,its traditional and simplified Chinese characters are same. In recent decades,many literati made the second line with thinking of simplified Chinesecharacters. But their second lines weren’t neat and orderly. Mr. ZengJifan clever to made the second line with traditional Chinese characters. The second line of thecouplet “One sound of door son, quarrel with local accent”, neat and orderly.Door(門)+son(兒)=quarrel(鬩).Local(郷)+accent (音)=sound(響).鬩郷音means quarrel with local accent. There, twoin the first line antithesis of one in the second line,number antithesis. Neat andorderly. The firstand second lines of couplet are neat and orderly in the level and oblique tones. As follows: 日月二泉明白水 oblique oblique, oblique level, level oblique oblique 門兒一響鬩郷音 level level, oblique oblique, obliquelevel level It’s toowonderful for words. In July 30,2015, I went to Shanwei to see Mr. Zeng Jifan. Got Mr. Zeng’s second line ofcouplet. Bear in mind.
2017/2/25/羅志海寫(xiě)詩(shī)翻譯 On February 25, 2017, by Luo Zhihai, Poetry and Translation
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2017-2-25 22:42 上傳